Meet BFA0162 (BFA0162)

New Donor

BFA0162 has a fair/tanned skin tone, deep set brown eyes with a slim nose.  He has chiseled features and we all unanimously agree that he is incredibly handsome.  He has a Ricky Martin look about him.  He is easy going and engaging.

He is physically active and has a lean, defined body.  He works out and loves sports.  He was part of his university swimming team.  He enjoys spending time with his parents, and you can tell just how much they mean to him.  He has a caring nature and it’s easy to feel totally relaxed around him.  He has a way of lighting up the room!

He is well travelled and intelligent, but not in a “know it all” way.  He is happy to share with us his outlook on life, what he has been up to in an open and friendly manner.  He always enquires about how we all are whenever he comes in and is interested in what we have to says.  He has an incredibly warm and caring heart and will interact with people from all walks of life.

For us he really does have it all – handsome, charming, kind, caring, engaging, intelligent.  He really is beautiful inside and out.

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Meet BFA0162 (BFA0162)

New Donor

BFA0162 has a fair/tanned skin tone, deep set brown eyes with a slim nose.  He has chiseled features and we all unanimously agree that he is incredibly handsome.  He has a Ricky Martin look about him.  He is easy going and engaging.

He is physically active and has a lean, defined body.  He works out and loves sports.  He was part of his university swimming team.  He enjoys spending time with his parents, and you can tell just how much they mean to him.  He has a caring nature and it’s easy to feel totally relaxed around him.  He has a way of lighting up the room!

He is well travelled and intelligent, but not in a “know it all” way.  He is happy to share with us his outlook on life, what he has been up to in an open and friendly manner.  He always enquires about how we all are whenever he comes in and is interested in what we have to says.  He has an incredibly warm and caring heart and will interact with people from all walks of life.

For us he really does have it all – handsome, charming, kind, caring, engaging, intelligent.  He really is beautiful inside and out.


Dark Brown



A Rh+


Brazilian, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish


BSc Biology, MSc Sustainable Development & MBA / Project Coordinator


Counsyl Foresight Panel (at least 175 conditions)

A lab called Igenomix offers custom carrier screening to patients in the UK, called Carrier Genetic Test, Synchronized (CGT SYNC). Igenomix will custom design the carrier screening panel to confirm your compatibility with a specific donor. Please simply click on this link and select “CTG” as the service in the dropdown menu to request information. A genetic counselor from Igenomix will reach out to you with additional information. Or you can email the Igenomix genetic counselors at [email protected] if you would like to proceed with the CGT Sync testing or have any questions. This is not a mandated requirement, and is fully at the discretion of the patient to utilize this service, or not.

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