Frequently Asked QuestionsFAQ

Selecting a donor is an important first step on your journey toward starting a family, and you probably have questions about the process. Here are answers to many of the frequent questions we are asked.


Why Choose Sussex Sperm Bank?
  •  Great Customer Service – We offer a personalized customer service experience including free Photo-Matching, assistance with sperm donor selection,  consultations and genetic consultations. We know our donors! Every customer will speak to someone who interacts with the donor regularly.
  • Advanced Screenings – We extensively screen all of our donors.  We receive extensive background information about each donor and conduct routine testing that includes detail medical history, blood screenings, urine testing, and extended genetic panel carrier screenings.
  • Competitive Pricing – We offer some of the best pricing in the UK market.  Our per-vial cost, family slots, and shipping are some of the best in the industry.
  • Superior Vial Quality – SxSB prides itself on creating the best quality vials. We receive quality complaint forms on less than 0.1% of vials distributed.
Accreditation and Licensing

Sussex Sperm Bank operates a quality system to ensure that all processes are performed to regulation and defined quality standards. SSB protocols and systems are regularly reviewed and updated to ensure that activities are performed within all accepted national standards and advice available. This will include professional guidance from, but not limited to, Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, Association of Clinical Embryologists, Association of Biomedical Andrologists, Care Quality Commission and National Gamete Donation Trust.

Sussex Sperm Bank is Licensed by the Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority.

Our Donor Catalog

Selecting a Donor

Sperm Donor Specimens are in high demand in the UK.  Sussex Sperm Bank offer both UK Donors as well as a selection of Donors from our affiliated sperm bank in the US, Seattle Sperm Bank.

Both UK Donors and the Donors available from Seattle Sperm Bank are of the highest quality.  All donors are held to the standards and requirements of the Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority in the UK.

Selecting a donor is an important first step on your journey toward starting a family.  During your donor selection process, we recommend that you sign up for our All Access Pass membership ( on this website to view our selection of donors from Sussex Sperm Bank and Seattle Sperm Bank.  This membership provides unlimited access to detailed donor profiles, genetic testing information, and staff impressions.  Childhood photos and audio interviews are also included for our international donors only.

You can use our Donor Search Tool to help you find a donor that best matches your criteria by inputting some of your desired characteristics (eye colour, height, ethnicity, etc) and selecting profiles from the filtered results.

What information do you have available about each donor?

Our All Access Pass allows full access to all donors’ profile material.  This includes the donor’s Extended Profile, Keirsey Personality Test, Staff Impressions and Genetic Test Results.  For our international donors you will also have access to their Childhood Photos and Audio Interviews.  Please use this link to view an example of what is available for each donor.

How do I search by genetic test?

Sussex Sperm Bank offers a way to easily search our donor database by genetic test. This tool lets you see all the donors who have tested negative for any singular, or combination of, different genetic diseases.

Example of how it works:

If you are a known carrier for Pendred Syndrome, for example, you can select that condition from the list using the “Find Match” button at the top of the donor search tool. The resulting matches would then only show donors who were tested and found to be negative for Pendred Syndrome. Plus, this tool can be used with our other donor search criteria to help you find the best matches for you.

Does Sussex Sperm Bank place birth limits on its donors?

Yes, we have a 10 family limit nationwide for our donors. All patients are required to purchase a Family Slot to ensure we limited access to the donor specimens and all insemination results need to be reported to us.

I am having IVF or ICSI but my donor only has IUI samples available – what can I do?

IUI samples are also suitable for IVF and ICSI treatments so if your chosen donor only has IUI samples available, you can order this for your treatment with no problems!

I am having IUI but my donor only has IVF samples available – what can I do?

Unfortunately, IVF samples are not suitable for use in IUI treatments – this is due to these samples having a lower motile count than would typically be acceptable for use in an IUI treatment.

My chosen donor is no longer showing on the website – what do I do?

Donors who no longer have any family slots available are removed from our website, however, if you have an active family slot for this donor and wish to purchase more samples, please contact our customer service team.

Donors may also be removed from the website if their stock is running low – please contact our customer service team who will be able to advise as to whether any additional samples are available.

Donor Quality Standards

What is the motility (MOT) for my selected donor?

Unfortunately, we are not able to list the motility of the samples available for each donor as this can vary significantly, even between samples from the same donor!

For IUI samples, SxSB guarantees a minimum of 20 million motile sperm per mL – this is equivalent to MOT20. As all samples are sold in 0.5mL amps, this works out to 10 million motile sperm per sample.

For IVF samples, SxSB guarantees a minimum of 8 million motile sperm per mL – this is equivalent to MOT8. This works out to 4 million motile sperm per sample.

Prior to transport, all sample details are sent through to your clinic for approval.

What are Sussex Sperm Bank's requirements for becoming a donor?

Sussex Sperm Bank has rigorous requirements for becoming a sperm donor.  We screen applicants based on a large number of factors, including health, genetics, education, family history, looks, personality, and overall sperm quality.

I am seeing CMV status listed for your donors. What does this mean?

Cytomegalovirus, commonly known as CMV, is a common virus that most adults have been exposed to and have developed immunity to. In healthy adults and children, CMV can cause mild cold or flu-like symptoms that may last 1-2 weeks. However, if a woman who has never had CMV becomes exposed during pregancy, there is a small risk the child may develop neurologic abnormalities.

For more information about CMV please refer to this link:



My clinic has asked me to purchase “unwashed samples” – what does this mean and does SxSB have these available?

Unwashed samples typically refer to samples that have not gone through a process called a density gradient.

As standard, all samples available at SxSB have undergone this process so unwashed samples are not available for purchase, however, please discuss with your clinic whether these will still be acceptable for your planned treatment.

Order Process

What is a family slot?

In the UK, all donors are limited to a maximum of 10 families.  To manage this and to ensure all patients are treated fairly we allocate a Family slot.  The family slot is purchased at the same time as samples and will remain allocated to you provided you have samples and/or embryos in storage.  If you have no samples and/or embryos in storage but wish to continue treatment it is imperative that you call us so that we can help you purchase more samples (if available).  If we receive confirmation from your clinic that you have no samples and/or embryos in storage, then the family slot is automatically released.  Our Blog  ( Family Slots: What to Know has further information on how the slots work which may be helpful to you.

How do I place an order?

Once you have selected a donor, it is easy to place an order.  There are a few things you should determine before you place your order:

  • What type and quantity of vials will you need?
  • Do you want additional vials backups / future siblings?
  • When do you plan to have your insemination?
  • How many vials do you need shipped for that insemination procedure?
  • What date should the vials be delivered to ensure they arrive on time for your procedure?

Once your have determined the above information, you are ready to place your order.  You can either place your order online, or by contacting our customer service team during business hours.

Order via Website

From the Find a Donor screen, search for the donor your are interested in.

Click on the donor profile you are interesting in purchasing.

HFEA guidelines require that a Donor cannot be used by more then 10 families in the UK.  SxSB requires each patient have a Family Slot before they can purchase vials from a specific donor.  Family Slots give you the rights to purchase and store vials for your favorite donor.

Fron the donor profile screen, click on the Add button next to Family Slot to add a Family Slot to your account.

From the donor profile screen, look for the Purchase Vials section. Select the quantity of available vials you wish to purchase and click on the Add button.

Once you are done adding vials, click on View Cart/Checkout.

The Cart screen will list the vials you are purchasing and allow you to specify how many vials should be shipped vs stored, as well as your Storage Term and Shipment Details.

Using the slider, indicate how many vials you plan to ship initially and how many you wish to store for future use.  Click on the Update button that appears.

Click on the Checkout button.

On the checkout screen, fill out your Customer Information.  If you are shipping vials you will also need to fill out the Delivery Information.

Fill out all of the delivery information.

Please double-check that you have the correct delivery address.  A wrong address may impact timely delivery of your vials.

Enter your payment information at the bottom of the screen.

Click on Complete Purchase.

Customer Service

Our customer service team is available to assist you with placing an order. Please contact them between business hours for assistance.

What paperwork do I need to fill out prior to my vials being shipped?

SxSB requires that all of your paperwork is completed prior to shipment.  Please view the required forms on your My Account screen under the Forms section.  Please ensure that your paperwork is completed after your order is placed.

How do I ensure my vials arrive in time for my scheduled insemination?

It is important that your vials arrive on time.  Help us ensure that happens by taking the following steps:

  • Submit required forms/paperwork promptly, do not wait until the last minute.  If we do not receive required paperwork then your shipment will be delayed.
  • Ask your clinic when/where you should have the vials delivered.  Some clinics require delivery specific facilities on certain days.
  • Let us know immediately if your plans change and you need us to hold your vials for future date.
Can I store vials at Sussex Sperm Bank?

Sussex Sperm Bank can store your donor vials onsite.  Purchasing vials before hand and storing them at our lab is a good method of ensuring that the donor you want is available when you are ready for insemination.

How long will delivery of my samples take?

We ask you to allow 3-4 weeks from order to delivery of your samples, however, this may vary depending on factors such as how quickly you complete and return all required paperwork, and how responsive your clinic is to our request for transport.

If you need your samples by a specific date, please get in touch with our customer service team. We will then do all we can to try and get the samples delivered to your clinic before this date.

I am wanting to order from one of your international donors – will I have to pay extra or allow extra time for shipping this from the US?

No – All available samples for our international donors are stored at our centre in Hove so there will be no extra fees or waiting time if you choose to order an international donor.

My family slot is due to expire but I wish to continue my treatment – what should I do?

Please contact our customer service team who will be happy to help you arrange the purchase of an extension of your family slot.

Help & Support

How do I contact someone for help?

If you need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us using one of the following methods:

By Email – Send an email to us at anytime. We typically respond back to customer emails during our standard business hours.

By Phone – Contact us during business hours by phone.

  • Customer Service Phone – 01273 620165
How do I see my order receipts?

Navigate to the My Account screen by clicking on the My Account or Log In button in the upper right corner of website.

On the My Account screen, click on the Recent Orders button or navigate down the screen to the Recent Orders

The Recent Orders section will display your most recent orders. You can use the View and Print button to view and print an order receipt.

How do I Add a Donor to my Favorites?

Make sure you are logged onto the website with your account. You can login from the my-account screen.

Search for a donor from the Find a Donor screen. Click on a donor to open their profile.

To add a donor as a favorite, click on the heart icon to the left of the Donor Title, or click on the Add to Favorites button in the lower right corner.

How do I View my Favorites?

Make sure you are logged onto the website with your account. You can login from the my-account screen.

Go to the My Account Screen to view your favorite list.

I have more questions – who can I contact?

SSB staff are always happy to help any questions you may have! There are several ways to contact us:

  • Email us at [email protected]
  • Call us on 01273 620 165
  • Use the live-chat feature to talk to a member of our team directly – this can be found to the bottom right of your screen
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