Meet BFA0179* (BFA0179)

New Donor

BFA0179 is 5’11” with curly dark brown hair that he either ties back into a small bun or leaves loose, with brown eyes and skin that tans well. He has an oval face with dimples and a slim nose.
He is passionate about science and is currently looking at completing his training as a doctor.  He is self-assured and determined to lead his life to the full without compromise. He chose to
enter the medical field due to his love of medicine and helping others.  He has travelled extensively and taught himself to cook whilst on his travels. He is a determined individual and will not let anything stand in his way.
He certainly has a zest for life and a thirst for knowledge and adventure.

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Meet BFA0179* (BFA0179)

New Donor

BFA0179 is 5’11” with curly dark brown hair that he either ties back into a small bun or leaves loose, with brown eyes and skin that tans well. He has an oval face with dimples and a slim nose.
He is passionate about science and is currently looking at completing his training as a doctor.  He is self-assured and determined to lead his life to the full without compromise. He chose to
enter the medical field due to his love of medicine and helping others.  He has travelled extensively and taught himself to cook whilst on his travels. He is a determined individual and will not let anything stand in his way.
He certainly has a zest for life and a thirst for knowledge and adventure.


Dark Brown



O Rh+


Caucasian, Eastern Eurpoean, Mixed European


Three Bachelor degrees (Chemistry, Biology, Psychology), Post Graduate Medical degree / Trainee Doctor


Counsyl Foresight Panel (at least 175 conditions)

A lab called Igenomix offers custom carrier screening to patients in the UK, called Carrier Genetic Test, Synchronized (CGT SYNC). Igenomix will custom design the carrier screening panel to confirm your compatibility with a specific donor. Please simply click on this link and select “CTG” as the service in the dropdown menu to request information. A genetic counselor from Igenomix will reach out to you with additional information. Or you can email the Igenomix genetic counselors at [email protected] if you would like to proceed with the CGT Sync testing or have any questions. This is not a mandated requirement, and is fully at the discretion of the patient to utilize this service, or not.

    • GLDC-related Glycine Encephalopathy : Carrier
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