Meet BFA0188 (BFA0188)

New Donor

BFA0188 is our very own explorer.  Originally from New Zealand and standing at 6ft with a lean build, kind green/hazel eyes with a fair skin tone and grey hair (brown in his youth).  He is outgoing but also loves to spend time by himself.  He does have an air of calmness about him whenever he visits us.  He is engaging and easy to talk to.

His family is the most important thing to him, and he strives to ensure he is a good partner and father.  His greatest experience is his wedding day – which goes to show just how much his family mean to him.

He decided to become a donor because he had a friend who was donor conceived and felt that it was the right thing to do.

He loves to immerse himself in creative or cultural situations.

We think he is a beautiful soul, kind and caring.

Family Slot

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IUI Units

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Audio Interview
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Baby Photos
Extended Profile
Keirsey Test
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Staff Impression
Genetic Test Results
All Access Pass Membership

3 Months of Premium Access

All Donor Materials Included

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Meet BFA0188 (BFA0188)

New Donor

BFA0188 is our very own explorer.  Originally from New Zealand and standing at 6ft with a lean build, kind green/hazel eyes with a fair skin tone and grey hair (brown in his youth).  He is outgoing but also loves to spend time by himself.  He does have an air of calmness about him whenever he visits us.  He is engaging and easy to talk to.

His family is the most important thing to him, and he strives to ensure he is a good partner and father.  His greatest experience is his wedding day – which goes to show just how much his family mean to him.

He decided to become a donor because he had a friend who was donor conceived and felt that it was the right thing to do.

He loves to immerse himself in creative or cultural situations.

We think he is a beautiful soul, kind and caring.





O Rh+




Bachelor's Degree in Business / Account Manager


Counsyl Foresight Panel (at least 175 conditions)

A lab called Igenomix offers custom carrier screening to patients in the UK, called Carrier Genetic Test, Synchronized (CGT SYNC). Igenomix will custom design the carrier screening panel to confirm your compatibility with a specific donor. Please simply click on this link and select “CTG” as the service in the dropdown menu to request information. A genetic counselor from Igenomix will reach out to you with additional information. Or you can email the Igenomix genetic counselors at [email protected] if you would like to proceed with the CGT Sync testing or have any questions. This is not a mandated requirement, and is fully at the discretion of the patient to utilize this service, or not.

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