Meet Dario (14118)

Dario is a lean individual with a medium build and stands 5’11” tall. He has black hair, warm brown eyes, and an aura of positivity. Dario is a caring and friendly individual who is passionate about personal growth and the environment. He leads a plant-based lifestyle, advocating for better health and the protection of our resources. He currently works in healthcare and dreams to be financially successful in the future in order to spend time with his future family and children.

In his free time, Dario enjoys spending quality time with his friends, playing video games, and watching basketball. Although he is an NBA fanatic, he also enjoys watching football and tennis. Dario strives for personal growth and often reads or listens to audiobooks in the self-help genre. He is an incredibly kind person to know and truly cares for the people around him. Dario is a determined and passionate person who will undoubtedly reach any goal he sets. We are glad to have him as a donor!

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Audio Interview
Baby Photos
Extended Profile
Keirsey Test
Staff Impression
Genetic Test Results
All Access Pass Membership

3 Months of Premium Access

All Donor Materials Included

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Meet Dario (14118)

Dario is a lean individual with a medium build and stands 5’11” tall. He has black hair, warm brown eyes, and an aura of positivity. Dario is a caring and friendly individual who is passionate about personal growth and the environment. He leads a plant-based lifestyle, advocating for better health and the protection of our resources. He currently works in healthcare and dreams to be financially successful in the future in order to spend time with his future family and children.

In his free time, Dario enjoys spending quality time with his friends, playing video games, and watching basketball. Although he is an NBA fanatic, he also enjoys watching football and tennis. Dario strives for personal growth and often reads or listens to audiobooks in the self-help genre. He is an incredibly kind person to know and truly cares for the people around him. Dario is a determined and passionate person who will undoubtedly reach any goal he sets. We are glad to have him as a donor!





A Rh+


Mix, El Salvadorian, French, Hispanic


B.S. Psychology / Student


Counsyl Foresight Panel (at least 175 conditions)

    • No disease causing mutations detected
    • Spinal Muscular Atrophy : No disease causing mutations detectedative result: No disease causing mutations detectedative for g.27134T>G SNP and SMN1: 2 copies.
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