Meet Devereux (12821)

Devereux is a very handsome donor with a fit frame, owed in part to playing soccer as well as being naturally athletic. He has a beautiful olive complexion thanks to his African American and Creole roots. Framed by stylish glasses, Devereux’s deep brown eyes truly sparkle. He is tidy and stylish with shaved, short, black, curly hair and closely-cropped facial hair. He has an oval jawline, high cheekbones, and cute dimples. Devereux has full lips, straight white teeth, and a genuine, charming, smile.

Devereaux recently completed his master's degree in Cyber Security and Emergency Management, and he is currently looking into a career in international trade. His interest in this field developed after spending the last 5 years traveling the world on his own, particularly through Asia. Speaking multiple languages helped Devereux integrate into other cultures with ease. Devereux is very close with his large family and credits them, especially his grandmother, for teaching him the value of hard work, perseverance, and taking nothing for granted. We are very lucky to have Devereux in our donor program and look forward to seeing what he accomplishes in the future.

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3 Months of Premium Access

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Meet Devereux (12821)

Devereux is a very handsome donor with a fit frame, owed in part to playing soccer as well as being naturally athletic. He has a beautiful olive complexion thanks to his African American and Creole roots. Framed by stylish glasses, Devereux’s deep brown eyes truly sparkle. He is tidy and stylish with shaved, short, black, curly hair and closely-cropped facial hair. He has an oval jawline, high cheekbones, and cute dimples. Devereux has full lips, straight white teeth, and a genuine, charming, smile.

Devereaux recently completed his master's degree in Cyber Security and Emergency Management, and he is currently looking into a career in international trade. His interest in this field developed after spending the last 5 years traveling the world on his own, particularly through Asia. Speaking multiple languages helped Devereux integrate into other cultures with ease. Devereux is very close with his large family and credits them, especially his grandmother, for teaching him the value of hard work, perseverance, and taking nothing for granted. We are very lucky to have Devereux in our donor program and look forward to seeing what he accomplishes in the future.





O Rh+


Mix, African-American, Finnish, German, Greek, Irish, Italian, Northern European, Scottish


Emergency Management M.S. in progress/ Cybersecurity B.S. / Student


Counsyl Foresight Panel (at least 175 conditions)

A lab called Igenomix offers custom carrier screening to patients in the UK, called Carrier Genetic Test, Synchronized (CGT SYNC). Igenomix will custom design the carrier screening panel to confirm your compatibility with a specific donor. Please simply click on this link and select “CTG” as the service in the dropdown menu to request information. A genetic counselor from Igenomix will reach out to you with additional information. Or you can email the Igenomix genetic counselors at [email protected] if you would like to proceed with the CGT Sync testing or have any questions. This is not a mandated requirement, and is fully at the discretion of the patient to utilize this service, or not.

    • Spinal Muscular Atrophy : No disease causing mutations detectedative result: No disease causing mutations detectedative for g.27134T>G SNP and SMN1: 2 copies.
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