Meet Nova (10516)

Nova is introverted but once he gets comfortable, he becomes energetic, silly and loves to make people laugh. Nova is full time student and is studying Environmental Design/Architecture. He aspires to work for an Architectural firm and comfortably living with a significant other and a pet cat. Nova loves to read, relax while watching Netflix, play video games, and spending time with his friends.

Nova has beautiful round blue eyes, brown wavy hair, and a faintly roman nose that perfectly fits his diamond face shape. He is average height with a medium build and fair complexion. Nova grew up learning how to be independent at an early age and is most proud of who he is today. He is passionate about learning and eager to see where life takes him.

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Meet Nova (10516)

Nova is introverted but once he gets comfortable, he becomes energetic, silly and loves to make people laugh. Nova is full time student and is studying Environmental Design/Architecture. He aspires to work for an Architectural firm and comfortably living with a significant other and a pet cat. Nova loves to read, relax while watching Netflix, play video games, and spending time with his friends.

Nova has beautiful round blue eyes, brown wavy hair, and a faintly roman nose that perfectly fits his diamond face shape. He is average height with a medium build and fair complexion. Nova grew up learning how to be independent at an early age and is most proud of who he is today. He is passionate about learning and eager to see where life takes him.





B Rh+


Caucasian, French, Italian


BS in Environmental Design / Student


Counsyl Foresight Panel (at least 175 conditions)

    • No disease causing mutations detected
    • Spinal Muscular Atrophy : No disease causing mutations detectedative result: No disease causing mutations detectedative for g.27134T>G SNP and SMN1: 2 copies.
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