Dutch Sperm Donors
Sperm donors of Dutch heritage are part of a Germanic ethnic group, so their appearances tend to be similar to natives of Germany and Northern Europe. Dutch men are the tallest in Europe. To begin browsing Dutch donors see the list below. We carefully research our donors to provide you with the all the information you need to make a decision including conducting background checks and physical and psychological profiles. Use our donor search tool to expand your search options, or sign up for an all access pass to get complete information on all donors. Browse our list of donors below.

Baylen (N4004) – Open ID Donor
O Rh+
Caucasian, Dutch, English, French, German, Irish
Bachelors and Masters in Clinical Psychology, Enrolled in PhD for Clinical Psychology and Masters in Public Health / Graduate Research Assistant

Style (10468) Open ID Donor
Dark Brown
O Rh-
Mix, Dutch, Hawaiian, Irish, Mexican, Portuguese, Spanish
B.S. Biological Sciences/Conservation Biology and Ecology / Student