Irish Sperm Donors
Our list of donors of Irish heritage is among the most diverse in our database. Most of these donors are ethnically mixed, representing a large cross-section of European countries and cultures. Helping you find the right donor for your needs is our mission. We thoroughly research all our donors, including physical and psychological testing, so you have complete information to base your decision. Use our donor search to expand your search options, or sign up for an all access pass to get more information on all of our donors. Browse our list of Irish donors below.
Spike (10587) – Open ID Donor
O Rh+
Caucasian, English, German, Irish
B.S. Geographic Information Science / Stay at home parent
Peace (10564) Open ID Donor
Light Brown
B Rh+
Caucasian, German, Irish
Medical School; B.S. in Biology / Laboratory Tech / Student