Northern European Sperm Donors
Our donors with Northern European ancestry may have any combination of ethnicities from the following countries in the region: Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Denmark, Iceland, the United Kingdom, and Ireland.
Browse our list of donors of Northern European heritage below. We thoroughly research all our donors to provide you with extensive background and family history information to help you make the best decision for your needs. Use our donor search tool to expand your search options, or sign up for an all access pass to get complete information on all donors.
Pendleton (14322) Open ID Donor
Light Brown
O Rh+
Mix, Caucasian, German, Hispanic, Mexican, Native American, Northern European, Spanish
B.S. Sports Medicine / Student
Devereux (12821)
O Rh+
Mix, African-American, Finnish, German, Greek, Irish, Italian, Northern European, Scottish
Emergency Management M.S. in progress/ Cybersecurity B.S. / Student